



我们与十大靠谱网赌平台公司开展业务的政策如下. Copies of our policies related to vendor conduct are available for review in the Purchasing Office upon visitation and through our vendor credentialing service, Symplr.




采购办公室应作为员工和供应商之间的联络人. Vendors must first have their products reviewed through the Purchasing office prior to discussing with the corresponding department to ensure correct GPO affiliations, 确认产品使用, 确定需求.


十大靠谱网赌平台有资格获得Vizient和Captis采购集团合同以及纽约州合同.  奥奈达保健也可根据需要谈判定价.  任何和所有采购都需要签署协议和/或采购订单.


供应商计划讨论O.R.与外科手术或病人护理相关的项目必须与O见面或交谈.R. 经理在拜访任何员工或十大靠谱网赌平台之前.  包括定价在内的十大靠谱网赌平台, 报销, 在任何十大靠谱网赌平台讨论之前,必须提供使用说明. Vendors providing products/equipment associated with surgical or other procedures are required to pre-assess needs with staff, 提供适当物品的种类和数量, 并提供备份,以便在主要产品/设备因任何原因不能使用时使用.  Any items used for trial purposes must be provided at discounted pricing or at no-charge in order to be used in surgical cases.

探视时间 & 十大靠谱网赌平台校园的预约

Vendors are required to conduct business by appointment during the routine hours of operations of the Purchasing department, 星期一至星期五, 上午7:30至下午4:00, 不包括假期.  Vendors with scheduled appointments must check-in using the Symplr credentialing system either in the Purchasing office or in the main lobby.  如果您没有通过Symplr认证, 你可能不被允许继续你的约会.  没有预约的卖主不能保证入场.  所有没有预约的供应商必须在进入工厂时向采购办公室报告. Vendors must wear their Symplr pass while on the premises and adhere to all current 十大靠谱网赌平台 policies and procedures. Vendors shall restrict visitation to the department(s) and employee(s) listed on the pass and are required to sign out prior to leaving the premises.  Vendors visiting 十大靠谱网赌平台 clinics must first have scheduled appointments; they also must adhere to the same policies and procedures as well as be credentialed through Symplr.

探视时间 & 奥内达保健公司所属诊所/诊所的预约

我们强烈鼓励供应商以预约方式开展业务, during the routine hours of operations of the clinic/practice with the prior cognizance and approval from an 十大靠谱网赌平台 employee in a position of authority in that location. 不要直接通过电子邮件联系十大靠谱网赌平台, 办公室电话或私人电话, 除非有特别指示. Vendors are subject to the same vendor credentialing requirements as is required for hospital and nursing home visitation and must wear their VCS badge in plain sight during the visitation. 没有预约的卖主不能保证入场.

供应商认证 & 政策合规

在访问任何奥内达卫生部门之前,供应商必须获得认证并与Symplr保持良好信誉, 特别是当他们可能接触到病人/居民或受保护的健康信息时. Symplr requires that vendors acknowledge that they will comply with all 十大靠谱网赌平台 policies and procedures as a condition of accreditation. 没有获得认证的供应商, 或者在Symplr的信誉不佳, may be denied visitation privileges upon arrival and/or or may be denied visitation privileges permanently if circumstances warrant such action.

物料管理部主任 or Purchasing staff may temporarily or permanently exempt selected vendors from the requirement to be accredited by Symplr, 以合理的判断力, 当没有明确和/或目前的危险迹象表明患者/居民或受保护的健康信息时.  然而, visitation privileges are still contingent upon adherence to all 十大靠谱网赌平台 policies and procedures regardless of the vendor’s level of knowledge of those policies and procedures.


Notice of 十大靠谱网赌平台 policies and procedures shall be deemed officially and sufficiently communicated to Vendors through the Symplr accreditation system.  通知不要求供应商作出任何形式的口头或书面确认. 缺乏供应商的意识, 或者坚持, any applicable 十大靠谱网赌平台 policies and procedures shall not be deemed a failure of 十大靠谱网赌平台 to provide sufficient notice and does not relieve the vendor from adhering to them nor does it relieve the vendor from complying with any applicable laws and regulations as a condition to visitation privileges.  Vendors’ visitation privileges are contingent upon compliance with all current 十大靠谱网赌平台 policies and procedures as they are amended.

遵守政策 & 程序

Vendors visitation privileges are contingent upon compliance with all current 十大靠谱网赌平台 政策 and 政策 as they are amended, 包括与禁止使用烟草及所有相关烟草制品有关的规定, 理由是奥内达保健公司拥有和经营的建筑物. 也, 个人不得在奥内达卫生场所的车辆内使用烟草.


员工可能有正当理由允许没有获得VCS认证的供应商访问他们的部门.  In those instances the visited department shall take all reasonable precautions to limit the visitation area to areas that avoid contact with patients/residents and protected health information to the extent possible and continually monitor their activity. 在访问结束后, the department employee must direct the non-accredited Vendor back to the Purchasing office where the Vendor will be required to sign-out and immediately exit the building and campus.  这些行动对于保护病人/居民的健康、安全、福利和隐私是必要的.


物料管理部主任, or Purchasing staff may temporarily or permanently exempt selected Vendors from the requirement to be accredited by VCS, 以合理的判断力, 当没有明确和/或目前的危险迹象表明患者/居民或受保护的健康信息时, 没有进一步调查, 然而, visitation privileges are still contingent upon adherence to all 十大靠谱网赌平台 政策 and procedures regardless of the Vendor’s level of knowledge of those policies and procedures. 为确保业务的连续性和对病人/住院十大靠谱网赌平台的服务,需要有例外判断的余地.


十大靠谱网赌平台 employees shall monitor vendors at all times in areas where Protected Healthcare Information is available and shall immediately report any suspicious activities according to policies related to confidentiality and privacy and take actions needed to mitigate the inappropriate activity immediately.

购买 & 合同的承诺

购买 or contractual commitments to a Vendor shall be honored only if the Purchasing Department has issued a valid purchase order number. 唯一的例外是制药业, 饮食部门, 谁在自己的政策和程序下与采购部分开运作, 或排除保密的行政专业承诺.

设备 & 样品

设备和样品不得带入工厂, demonstrated or distributed on the premises without the direct permission of the Director of Materials Management or Purchasing Department.


Pharmaceutical samples shall not be distributed on the premises without the direct permission of the Director of Pharmacy or designee.


供应商只能将车停在西区1号停车场. 供应商不得在残疾人区停车,也不得在3点到11点的指定停车区域停车.  在任何其他限制区域内停车可能会导致罚款或将车辆移走.

请参阅我们的 联系页面 在网站上获取采购办公室和员工的联系信息.

谢谢你,我们期待你的帮助提供 异常 关心我们的客户!